Pressemitteilung von Right2water: Just one last step to go!

right2water_klein(4 September 2015) Just one last step to go! – Strasbourg 8  September 2015

The European Parliament will vote on the first ever European Citizens Initiative (ECI) 8 September. The Environmental Committee of the EP supported the demands of the nearly 2 million people that signed. The demands include that the European Commission proposes legislation to recognise the Human Right to Water and Sanitation in the European Union based on the UN Resolution of 2010. It will be the Member States that implement it.

Some Members of the European Parliament seem not to be listening. So now is the time to send them messages to make them hear the voices of citizens.
Their attitude puts in question the instrument of the ECI. The European Citizens Initiative was intended to promote more European debate. It would ensure the voice of citizens is heard in Brussels. So we are asking you to spread the message and use this online tool to contact them:

Use for all MEPs but in English

For French speaking countries

For Spanish

German and Austrian:


We invite you to make with us this final step before the vote!

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