Kampagne des Jahres: „Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht“

Von European Civic Forum
April 2014

The Right2Water is the first European Citizens’ Initiative successful in engaging a hearing in the European Parliament, with a total of 1,884,790 signatures. This campaign is a tool to commit the EU and Member States to implement the human right to water and sanitation. It is a tool to change the mind-set in the European Commission from a market-based approach with the focus on competition to a rights-based approach with the focus on public service. It aims to achieve universal (global) access to water and sanitation and to safeguard the limited public water resources for future generations. The European Union should set binding targets for all Member States to achieve 100% coverage of water and sanitation services in Europe. We believe that the European Union should also make a bigger effort towards achieving universal access to water and sanitation outside the European Union. Millions of people are still deprived of these services.

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Die UnterstützerInnen von Right2water sagen: Thank you for SIGNING 🙂

EBI: Wasser ist ein Menschenrecht

[Randbemerkung: Wir freuen uns über diese Anerkennung. Noch mehr allerdings würden wir uns darüber freuen, wenn die EU-Kommission unsere Ziele umsetzen würde.]


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