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- Wassertisch-Plenum,
im NewYorck / Bethanien Mariannenplatz 2A
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- AöW zum Weltwassertag 2023: Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit noch stärker ermöglichen
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- Neuere Materialien und Dokumente zur CETA-Debatte
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Keine Steuergelder für LNG-Fracking-Gas Terminals in Deutschland!
Schlagwort-Archive: California
Offener Brief an Kaliforniens Gouverneur Brown
Sign the petition to tell Governor Brown to commit California to no new fossil fuels and put us on a path to real action on climate change and healthier communities.
April 11, 2018
Governor Edmund G. Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Governor Brown,
There is a significant gap between our current policies and what needs to be done to minimize the catastrophic impacts of climate change and meet the Paris Agreement goals you have championed. In September, as you welcome the world to San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit, you have an opportunity to set the new standard for global climate leadership.
We, the undersigned environmental, health, justice, faith, labor, community and consumer organizations from California and around the world, strongly urge you to champion a vision for California that looks beyond the oil and gas industry to a future that is safe and healthy for everyone. In order for us to support the summit, we call on you to:
1. Lead by announcing no new permits for oil and gas extraction, fossil fuel infrastructure, or petrochemical projects in California.
2. Set a global precedent by becoming the first oil producing state to announce a phase-out of existing production in line with the Paris climate goals, with a just and equitable transition that protects workers, communities, and economies, starting in places that are suffering most from the impacts of fossil fuel extraction.
You’ve stated numerous times that “time is running out” to solve the climate crisis. On this, we wholeheartedly agree. In the last year, we’ve watched our neighbors’ homes burn, waded through flooded streets and endured record-setting temperatures. In addition to climate impacts, oil and gas industry practices threaten public health, safety and our natural resources. We know that areas with more oil and gas development have higher community rates of asthma, preterm birth, birth defects, and acute illness complaints from residents. In California, and around the world, these impacts fall disproportionately on low-income communities and communities of color, exacerbating this health and justice crisis. And yet, California policy continues to ignore the extraction in our backyards, even after our state scientists made clear recommendations that would protect public health and our communities. This is unacceptable.
It is urgent that you set the state on a course to prevent further climate and community destruction. We must chart a path towards a just transition that protects workers and communities — both in these extractive industries and more broadly — and ensures living wage jobs that are safe for people and the planet.
As you’ve said for years on the global stage, there are few places on earth as well equipped as California to aggressively lead this change. Your leadership will not only help protect the health and safety of 39 million Californians, but also ensure a more equitable and healthy future for the billions of people around the world who look to you to pave the way. This, we hope, will be your legacy.
We look forward to your response,
Over 750 organizations
See full list at
Brief als pdf
Bislang unterzeichnet haben:
198 methods
350 Bay Area
350 Brooklyn
350 Chicago
350 Chico
350 Colorado
350 Columbia
350 Conejo/San Fernando Valley
350 Connecticut
350 DC
350 Eastside
350 Eugene
350 Humboldt
350 Kishwaukee
350 Long Beach
350 Maine
350 Marin
350 Michigan
350 New Orleans
350 PDX
350 Petaluma
350 Philadelphia
350 Rhode Island
350 Sacramento
350 San Diego
350 Santa Barbara
350 Santa Cruz
350 Seattle
350 Silicon Valley
350 Sonoma
350 South Bay Los Angeles
350 Triangle
350 Vermont América Latina
5 Gyres Institute
Abibiman Foundation
Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet
Action Environnement Basses Laurentides
Afghanistan Environmental Experts Association
African American Nature & Parks Experience
African Climate Reality Project
Africans Deserve Reparations!
Alabama Environmental Council
Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network
Alaska Climate Action Network (AK CAN!)
Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Alaska’s Big Village Network
Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice
Alianza Mexicana Contra el Fracking
Alliance for Climate Education (ACE)
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Allliance for Democracy (U.S.)
Alternativa Verda – Green Alternative
Amazon Watch
American Environmental Health Studies Project (AEHSP)
American Postal Workers Union, Greater Seattle Area Local 28
Amigos de la Tierra (Friends of the Earth Spain)
Amigos del Río San Rodrigo, A.C.
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Animals are Sentient Beings, Inc.
Animas Valley Institute
Antelope Valley Conservancy
Aqus Community Foundation
Arab Youth Climate Movement-Lebanon
Argentina sin Fracking
Arise for Social Justice
Asamblea de Gonzales
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
ASIBAMA/RJ – Associação dos Servidores Federais da Área Ambiental no Rio de Janeiro
Asociación de Cultura Popular Alborada
Asociacion de Usuarios del Agua de Saltillo AUAS
Asociación Potosina por la Dignidad Animal
Athens County (OH) Fracking Action Network
Australian Forests and Climate Alliance
Australian Marine Conservation Society
Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR)
Bard Center for Environmental Policy
Battle Creek Alliance/Defiance Canyon Raptor Rescue
Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice
Bay Rising
Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates
Beautiful Bengaluru
Beaver County (PA) Marcellus Awareness Community
Benedictine Sisters of Baltimore
Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community
Berkeley Action Committee
Berkeley Citizens Action
Berks Gas Truth
Berliner Wassertisch
Beyond Copenhagen Collective
Beyond Extreme Energy
Big Reuse
Biodiversity First!
Black Mesa Water Coalition
Bold Alliance
Breast Cancer Action
Buddhist Global Relief
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Buffalo Field Campaign
Bus For Progress
CA Prison Moratorium Project
CA StateStrong
CA Urban Streams Alliance-The Stream Team, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
California Coast Protection Network
California Communities Against Toxics
California Environmental Justice Alliance
California Environmental Justice Coalition (CEJC)
California Federation of Teachers
California for Progress
California Nurses Association
California Partnership
California Public Health Association-North
California Young Democrats Environmental Caucus
Californians Against Fracking
Californians Against Waste
Californians for Alternatives to Toxics
Californians for Western Wilderness
Canadian Interfaith Fast for the Climate
Canadian Union of Postal workers
Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice
Carbon Market Watch
Carson Connected
Catholic Charities Diocese of Stockton
Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy
Catskill Mountainkeeper
Center for a Sustainable Coast
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Earth Ethics
Center for Environmental Health
Center for Environmental Transformation
Center for Environmentally Recycled Building Alternatives – CERBAT
Center for Food Safety
Center for International Environmental Law
Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment
Central California Asthma Collaborative
Central California Environmental Justice Network
Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War
Central Valley Air Quality Coalition
Centro de Lengua y Cultura Zoque de Chiapas
Change Partnership
Chinese Progressive Association
Church Women United in New York State
Citizens Acting for Rail Safety – Winona MN
Citizens Acting for Rail Safety- LaCrosse
Citizens Acting for Rail Safety- Watertown, WI
Citizens Action Coalition of IN
Citizens Climate Lobby Canada
Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community
Citizens for a Clean Harbor
Citizens for Clean Water
Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
Citizens For Water
Citizens United for Renewable Energy (CURE)
Citizens’ Climate Lobby – Pasadena Foothills chapter
City of San Luis Obispo
Ciudadanos Del Karso
Clean Water Action
CLEPSA – Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Políticos, Sociales y Ambientales
Cleveland National Forest Foundation
Climate 911
Climate Action Monaro
Climate Action Network Canada
Climate Action Network Europe
Climate Action Network Japan
Climate Action Network Tanzania
Climate Action Now, Western MA
Climate Action Now!
Climate Change in Focus
Climate Change Network Nigeria
Climate Emergency Institute
Climate First!
Climate Foundation
Climate Hawks Vote
Climate Justice Alliance
Climate Justice at Union Theological Seminary
Climate Justice Project
Climate Justice Saskatoon
Climate Reality Project – Bay Area Chapter
Climate Reality Project – San Diego North Chapter
Climate Reality Project – San Francisco North Bay Chapter
Climate Reality Project NYC Metro Chapter
Coal River Mountain Watch
Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation
Codepink Women for Peace, Golden Gate Chapter
Coesus – Coalición Latinoamericana contra el Fracking, por el Clima, Agua y Agricultura Sostenible
Coesus Brasil – Coalizão Não Fracking Brasil pelo Clima, Agua e Vida
Collectif Causse Méjean – Gaz de Schiste NON !
Collectif citoyen du Val-de-Travers Non aux forages d’hydrocarbures
Colorado Interfaith Power and Light
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
Columbia Riverkeeper
Columbus Community Bill of Rights
Comision Nacional en Defensa del Agua y la Vida
Committee to Bridge the Gap
Communities for a Better Environment
Communities for Sustainable Monterey County (CSMC)
Community Action for Healing Poverty Organization
Community Food and Justice Coalition
Comunidades Campesinas y Urbanas Solidarias
Concerned Health Professionals of NY
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, US Provinces
Congregation of St. Joseph – Justice Team
Conscious Elders Network
Consumer Federation of California
Consumer Watchdog
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Campesinas e Indìgenas de la huasteca potosina A.C.
Corporate Accountability
Corporate Europe Observatory
Counter Culture Labs
Courage Campaign
Crawford Stewardship Project
CREDO Action
Crockett-Rodeo United to Defend the Envirionement
Cultivate Oregon
Daily Kos
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Defenders of Mother Earth-Huichin
Defenders of Wildlife
Del Amo Action Committee
Democracy for America
Dia de la Terra Catalunya – Earth Day Catalonia
Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Michigan
Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
Don’t Gas the Pinelands
Don’t Waste Arizona
Dooda (NO) Desert Rock Organization
Earth Day Network
Earth Ethics, Inc.
Earth Island Institute
Earth Matters
Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light
Earth Rights International
East Bay Meditation Center
East Bay Young Democrats
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice
Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research
ECHO Action NH: #FossilFree603
Eco-Poetry. org
EcoJustice Working Group Thomas Merton Center
Ecologistas en Acción
Ecology Center
Ecumenical Peace Institute / Clergy and Laity Concerned
Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education
El Pueblo Para el Agua y Aire Limpia de Kettleman City
Elder Creek Oak Woodland Preserve
Elders Climate Action
Elders Climate Action, Northern California Chapter
Elmirans and Friends Against Fracking
Encuentro Ciudadano Lagunero
Endangered Species Coalition
Energy Watch Group
Environment California
Environment Centre NT
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin
Environmental Defence Canada
Environmental Defense Center
Environmental Health Coalition
Environmental Health Trust
Environmental Protection Information Center
Environmental Stewardship Committee – New York Society for Ethical Culture
Esperanza Community Housing Corporation
ETC Group
Eurosolar Spain
Eyak Preservation Council
Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition
Faith Action for Animals
Faith Communities for a Sustainable Future (FaCT)
Family Farm Defenders
Farms Not Arms
Federacion de Trabajadores Agua Potable Perú FENTAP
Feminist Task Force
Finance & Trade Watch
FOGH (Friends of Grays Harbor)
Food & Water Europe
Food and Water Watch
Food Democracy Now!
Food Empowerment Project
Food Shift
For Love of Water
Fossil Free California
Foundation Earth
Foundation for Environment and Agriculture
Foundation for Grassroots Initiatives in Africa (GrassRootsAfrica)
Frac Sand Sentinel
Frack Action
Frack Free Illinois
Frack Free Ohio
Frack Off Fife – Scotland – UK
Fracking Free Ireland
FracTracker Alliance
Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan Response to Fracking
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, US Area
Fresh Air Vallejo
FreshWater Accountability Project
Fresnans Against Fracking
Friends Committee on Legislation of California
Friends For Environmental Justice
Friends of Bell Smith Springs
Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks
Friends of Nelson
Friends of the Earth – US
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Friends of the Earth Europe
Friends of the Earth International
Friends of the Earth Ireland
Friends of the Earth Scotland
Friends of the Northern San Jacinto Valley
Friends of the Pogonip
Fund for Wild Nature
Fundacion Red Colombiana Para La Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, el medio Ambiente y la Paz
Fundacja Strefa Zieleni
Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación AC
Future Generations Afghanistan
Gas Free Seneca
Gastivist Collective
Genesis Farm
Glendale Environmental Coalition
Global Catholic Climate Movement
Global Exchange
Global Justice Ecology Project
Global Muslim Climate Network
Global Witness
God’s Creatures Ministry/Coalition for Animals
Good Neighbor Steering Committee
Got Green
Grand Riverkeeper, LEAD Agency, Inc.
Grassroots Coalition
Grassroots Environmental Education
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Grassroots International
Gray Panthers San Francisco
Grayson Neighborhood Council
Great Old Broads for Wilderness
Greater Highland Area Concerned Citizens
Green 13
Green America
Green Council of Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church of Pasadena
Green for All
Green Party of Riverside County
Green Party of Santa Clara County
Green Way Society
Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice
Greenbelt Climate Action Network
Greenpeace Canada
Greenpeace International
Greenpeace USA
Grounded Guild
Guernsey County Citizens Support on Drilling Issues
Hands Across the Sand / Land
Hawai’i Institute for Human Rights
Herbicide Free Cal
Hip Hop Caucus
Hollywood United
Holman United Methodist Church
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, USA-JPIC
Honor the Earth
Houston Climate Protection Alliance
Human Nature
Humanitarian Assistance for Mothers and Children Organization (HAMCO)
Idle No More Michigan
Idle No More SF Bay
IHM Sisters Justice, Peace and Sustainability Office
Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF)
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Healing Arts Alliance
Indivisible East Bay
Indivisible Lincoln City
Indivisible Los Angeles, CA-43
Indivisible Marin
Indivisible San Francisco
Inspiration of Sedona
Institute for Policy Studies Climate Justice Program
InterAmerican Clean Energy Institute
Intercongregational Voice on Climate Change in the Pacific
Interfaith Climate Action Network of the Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County, CA
International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
IP3 (Indigeneous Peoples Power Project)
Jewish Climate Action Network
Jordan Cove Resistance Douglas County
Just Earth
Keep Sespe Wild
Kettle Range Conservation Group
Klamath Forest Alliance
KS Wild
La Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativas y Defensa Ambiental
La Union Hace La Fuerza
Labor Spring Organization
Labor/Community Strategy Center
Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre
League of Women Voters of California
League of Women Voters of the United States
Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO)
Let’s Go Farm
Liberty Hill Foundation
Lighter Footprints
Liology Institute
Literacy for Environmental Justice
Little Lakes Sustainability Network
Living Future
Local Authority Western PA
Local Clean Energy Alliance
Long Island Activists
Los Padres ForestWatch
Love Leitrim
Mangrove Action Project
Marine Applied Research & Exploration
Marist Fathers Australia JPIC
Mazaska Talks
Medio Ambiente y Sociedad, A.C.
Mill Valley Community Action Network
Milwaukee Riverkeeper
Mission Blue/Sylvia Earle Alliance
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Centre
MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles
Mom Loves Taiwan Association
Moms Across America
Monmouth Community Climate Coalition
Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance (“MESA”)
Mothers Out Front
Movement for a People’s Party
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE)
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Family Farm Coalition
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Native Organizers Alliance
Native Plant Conservation Campaign
Neighbors First
NEOGAP (Network for Oil and Gas Accountability and Protection)
Network of Spiritual Progressives
New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance
New Energy Economy
New Jersey Tenants Organization
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
New York Climate Action Group
New York Progressive Action Network
New York Progressive Action Network of the Southern Finger Lakes (NYPAN-SFL)
New York Public Interest Research Group Fund (NYPIRG)
Newark Science and Sustainability Inc
NH Pipeline Resistance
NJ State Industrial Union Council
No Coal in Oakland
No Fracked Gas in Mass
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment
North County Watch
North Shore Action
Northeast Oregon Ecosystems
Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York
Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
Not Here, Not Anywhere
Noyo Food Forest
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
NYC-DSA Climate Justice Working Group
O2 Bay Area green design network
Oakland Climate Action Coalition
Observatorio de Ecología Política de Venezuela
Observatorio de Expansión Minero Energética y Re-existencias
Observatorio Petrolero Sur
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center
Occupy Bergen County
Ocean Conservation Research
Ocean Protection Coalition
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
Ohlone Audubon Society
Oil Change International
On Behalf of Planet Earth
Ordinary Dharma
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Oregonians for Renewable Energy Progress
Other 98
Our Revolution
OWS Special Projects Affinity Group
Oxfam America
Pacific Callling Partnership
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
Pacific Environment
Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN)
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
Parents for the Planet
Parramatta Climate Action Network
Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN
Partnership for Global Justice
Partnership for Policy Integrity
Patriots From The Oil & Gas Shales
PAUSE – People of Albany United for Safe Energy
Pax Christi Australia
Peace and Freedom Party
Peace Roots Alliance
Peace, Justice and Action Committee-Tacoma Dominican Sisters & Associates
Peacemakers of Schoharie County
Pelican Media
Peninsula Interfaith Climate Action
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
People Demanding Action
People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER)
People, Not Pipelines
People’s Action
People’s Environmental Network, Sonora
Peoples Climate Movement NY
Pesticide Action Network
Pesticide Free ZoneUSA
Philly Neighborhood Networks
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Pennsylvania
Physicians for Social Responsibility LA
Physicians for Social Responsibility, Arizona Chapter
Planet Earth Arts
Planting Justice
Plataforma Ciudadana Zaragoza sin Fractura
Platform London
Plymouth Friends for Clean Water
PNM Shareholders for a Responsible Future
Popular Resistance
PowerShift Network
Practical Action
Prairie Dog Pals
Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center
Presentation Sisters
Preserve Wild Santee
Pride at Work
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressive Democrats of America, New Jersey
Progressive Democrats of America, San Diego Chapter
Project Coyote
Project Harmony NYC
Project Survival Pacific
Protect Monterey County
Provincial Council Clerics of St. Viator
Public Citizen
Public Health Justice Collective
Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action
PUSH Buffalo
Rachel Carson Council
Radical Independence Campaign East Kilbride
Rainforest Action Network
Rapid Decarbonization Group
Rapid Shift
Reacción Climática
Reach Out America
Redeemer Community Partnership
Reedsburg Area Concerned Citizens
Religious Ministries Fund
Religious of the Sacred Heart
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Western American Province
Religious of the Sacred Heart, Graduate Theological Union
Resist Spectra
Responsible Drilling Alliance, (RDA)
Restore the Delta
Rhode Island Interfaith Power & Light
Richmond Trees
RIM Youth Climate Movement
Rising Tide North America
River Guardian Foundation
ROAR (Religious Organizations Along the River)
Rochester Defense Against Fracking
Rogue Climate
S.S.J. Earth Center
S.T.A.N.D. L.A.
Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group
Sacramento Dharma Center
Safe Energy Rights Group (SEnRG)
San Benito Rising
San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society
San Diego Coastkeeper
San Francisco Baykeeper
San Francisco Green Film Festival
San Francisco Green Party
San Jose Friends Meeting (Quaker church)
San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council
Sane Energy Project
Santa Barbara Standing Rock Coalition
Santa Cruz Climate Action Network
Santa Rosa Junior College Sustainability Committee
Save Ballona
Save Our Shores
Save Our Sky Blue Waters
Save Porter Ranch
SEED (Securing Economic and Energy Democracy in SW NM)
Seneca Lake Guardian, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
Sequoia ForestKeeper
Shem Center for Interfaith Spiritulality
Sinsinawa Dominicans Peace and Justice Office
Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants, Inc.
Sisters of Bon Secours USA
Sisters of Charity – Halifax
Sisters of Charity Federation
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Congregational Leadership
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Western Province Leadership
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill U.S. Province Leadership Team
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sisters of Mercy
Sisters of Mercy Ecology
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – West Midwest Community Leadership Team
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ Institute Leadership Team
Sisters of Mercy South Central Community
Sisters of Mercy, Mid-Atlantic Community
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
Sisters of St Joseph
Sisters of St. Dominic of Caldwell
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sisters of St. Francis, Redwood City
Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester
Sisters of the Good Shepherd, San Francisco
Sisters of the Presentation, Dubuque
Sisters of the Presentation, SF, CA
Slow Food Western Slope
Snitow-Kaufman Productions
SoCal 350 Climate Action
Society of the Sacred Heart, USC Province
Softwarehouse Corporation
Soil Not Oil Coalition
Solutions Project
South Bay Progressive Alliance
South Florida Wildlands Association
Southern California Public Health Association
Southern California Watershed Alliance
Southwest Environmental Center
Spokane Riverkeeper
Stanford Environmental Law Society
Stop Fracking Long Beach
Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline
Stop Petróleo Vila do Bispo
Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion
Sunflower Alliance
Sunrise Bay Area
Sunrise Boston
Sunrise Movement
Surfrider Foundation
Surfrider Foundation Los Angeles Chapter
Sustainable Arizona
Sustainable Energy & Economy Network
Sustainable Energy Group
Sustainable Marin
Sustainable San Mateo County
Sustainable World Coalition
System Change Not Climate Change
System Change not Climate Change – Bay Area
Tadbeer Consultancy and Research Organization
Take Back the Tap at Central Michigan University
Tar Sands Action Southern California
Texas Campaign for the Environment
Texas Drought Project
The Alliance for Appalachia
The Black Heritage Museum & Cultural Center, Inc.
The Carbon Underground
The City Project
The Greenlining Institute
The Lands Council
The Leap
The Natural History Museum
The Oakland Institute
The River Project
The Shalom Center
The Trust for Public Land
The Ventura County Climate Hub/Ventura350
The Wild Oyster Project
Therapists for Peace & Justice
Think Beyond the Pump
Third World Network
Thomas Berry Forum for Ecological Dialogue at Iona College
Tikkun Magazine
Tikkun Olam Chavurah
Topanga Peace Alliance
Toxics Information Project (TIP)
TOXISPHERA Environmental Health Association
Transit Riders Union
Transition Albany
Transition Berkeley
Transition Initiative Kenora
Transition Palo Alto
Transition Pasadena
Transition Town Manchester
Transition US
Trenzando Ilusiones
Tri-City Ecology Center
Tri-Valley CAREs
Turtle Island Restoration Network
UAW Local 5810
UK Youth Climate Coalition
UNANIMA International
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United for Action
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women, Democratic Republic of Congo
United Mission to Nepal
United Native Americans
Upaya Zen Center
Uplift Syracuse
Upper Valley Affinity Group
Upstream Policy
Urban Habitat
Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment
UTEP Green Team
Vegans & Vegetarians of Alberta
Vermont Interfaith Power & Light
Vermont Public Interest Research Group
Wall of Women Colorado
Wasser In Bürgerhand (WIB)
Water Defense
Weekapaug Green of Rhode Island
Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air and Safe Jobs
West County Toxics Coalition
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
Western Watersheds Project
Wild Horse Education
Wild Nature Institute
WildEarth Guardians
Willits Economic Localization
Windfall Ecology Centre
Winyah Rivers
Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation
Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, International (WECAN)
Women’s Environment and Development Organization
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Santa Cruz Branch
Xinhāi DH Sierra Otomi Tepehua
Xochipilli Latino Men’s Circle
Xun Biosphere Project
Yolano Climate Action
Yolo Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice
Yolo MoveOn
Youth United for Community Action
YouthNet for Climate Justice
ZERO – Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
Zero Waste Bahia Blanca
The Tricks and Ploys of the Corporate Water Barons
food & water watch 02.06.2014 The Tricks and Ploys of the Corporate Water Barons By Mary Grant The lengths some companies will go to stop communities from gaining local control of their water systems can seem completely crazy. Tomorrow, voters in California’s Monterey Peninsula will go to the polls to decide whether to take the … weiterlesen