Schlagwort-Archive: Film

Neuer Wasserfilm: Der geheime Wasserkrieg in Europa

UP TO THE LAST DROP – Teaser from Small Planet Productions on Vimeo.

A Yorgos Avgeropoulos film

„At a time when Europe is going through a crisis that is not solely economical but also a crisis of moral values, millions of European citizens demand a response to a crucial question: is water for the European Union a commercial product or a human right? Until today, the European Institutions have not given a clear answer. The EU has still to recognize water as a human right, as the UN did in 2010.
At the same time, cities, regions and countries all around the world are increasingly rejecting the water privatization model they had adopted for years and are remunicipalizing services in order to take back public control over water and sanitation management. In Europe, the majority of the cases have been recorded in France, home of the most powerful and influential private water multinational companies of the planet. Nine cases have been recorded in Germany.
Although Berlin and Paris have recently taken back public control over their water services, the financial and political European elites are demanding from Greece, Portugal and Ireland to privatize their public water systems. Provisions about water can be found in every M.o.U, Greece, Ireland and Portugal have signed with the Troika and it’s a common stipulation provided in every bailout agreement signed between the debt-ridden countries and their lenders.
Up To The Last Drop follows the money and the corporate interests during a period of four years in thirteen cities of six EU countries. It’s a documentary film about water that reflects contemporary European values and the quality of the current European democracy.“

Eine aktuelle Detailanalyse unseres „Wasserkrieges“ findet man hier


Ab 15.5.2014 im Kino: Watermark
Genre: Dokumentation
Regie: Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky

Filmstart: 15. Mai 2014

„Der Film erzählt in 20 Geschichten, gefilmt in 10 Ländern rund um den Globus, von der Lebensnotwendigkeit und der Schönheit des Elements Wasser. In teils aus der Luft aufgenommenen Bildern schlägt WATERMARK einen eindrucksvollen Erzählbogen vom größten Staudamm der Welt im chinesischen Xiluodu, über das ausgetrocknete Flussdelta des einst mächtigen Colorado und den Surf U.S. Open in Huntington Beach, bis hin zum bewegenden Kumbh Mela-Fest in Indien.“
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