Schlagwort-Archive: food & water watch

Offener Brief an Gouverneur Tom Wolf (Pennsylvania) wegen des Baus der Mariner East 2 Pipeline durch Sunoco

Over 100 U.S. & International Groups Tell Wolf: Shut Down Mariner East Pipeline Sunoco’s Controversial Gas Liquids Pipeline Poses Threats in U.S. and UK Dozens of U.S. and international organizations released a letter to Governor Tom Wolf encouraging him to bring a halt to Sunoco’s Mariner East 2 pipeline. The groups point out that the … weiterlesen

The Tricks and Ploys of the Corporate Water Barons

food & water watch 02.06.2014 The Tricks and Ploys of the Corporate Water Barons By Mary Grant The lengths some companies will go to stop communities from gaining local control of their water systems can seem completely crazy. Tomorrow, voters in California’s Monterey Peninsula will go to the polls to decide whether to take the … weiterlesen