Schlagwort-Archive: Giftmülldeponien

Greenpeace hat aufgedeckt, dass Shell, Total und andere Ölriesen für ihre Fracking-Tätigkeiten illegale Giftmülldeponien in Patagonien benutzen

17.12.2018 Greenpeace investigation reveals Shell, Total, and other oil majors using illegal toxic waste dumps in Patagonia
„Buenos Aires – A Greenpeace Andino investigation has exposed how oil companies operating in Vaca Muerta, one of the world’s largest unconventional reserves of oil and gas, are using illegal dumps operated by local waste treatment company Treater S.A. Oil majors Shell and Total are dumping thousands of tonnes of toxic oil and industrial waste from their fracking operations in open waste ponds in the sensitive Patagonian environment. Treater’s clients in the region also include ExxonMobil, Pan American Energy (a subsidiary of BP), and the state-owned YPF.[…]“
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