Schlagwort-Archive: Savegreekwater

Privatisierung Wasserversorgung Griechenland: Savegreekwater: Council of State “listened” to the people: The first big win for water belongs to all of us


Council of State “listened” to the people: The first big win for water belongs to all of us

The protection of our water from further commercialization and privatization is now a fact and these policies, that would be almost irreversible and turn us further away from our vision for democratic and rational management on a non-for-profit basis of our most valuable of the commons, our water, were averted. The decision of the Council of State for EYDAP is both historic and bold. However, no court decision, even with these characteristics, cannot stand politically strong if it does not express the public’s “sense of justice” and does not take into account the majority of citizens and their will, towards which their institutional representatives (mps and governments) are sometimes deaf.

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