Schlagwort-Archive: timeline

TTIP: MEPs to debate amendments and vote on opinions, changed timeline

Europäisches Parlament

Von INTA / Committee on International Trade

Eight hundred and ninety-eight amendments to a draft resolution on progress in talks with the US on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will be debated by the International Trade Committee on Monday in room JAN6Q2 from 17.00.

This week, six of the 14 committees contributing input to the draft text – those on the environment, agriculture, culture, petitions and constitutional and legal affairs – will vote on their opinions on Tuesday and Thursday.

The TTIP resolution also has a new timeline – the vote in the lead International Trade committee has now been postponed to 28 May and the plenary vote to June (tbc) – see more information on dates and links to documents in the updated Background Note.

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