Schlagwort-Archive: Umanotera

4. März, 13 u. 19 Uhr: Crashkurs zum Energiecharta-Vertrag (Zoom)

Meet the Energy Charter Treaty – the fossil fuel industry’s secret weapon to attack climate action

4.März.2021 13-14 Uhr
Registrierung hier

4.März.2021 19-20:00 Uhr
Registrierung hier

A large number of civil society groups from all over Europe has just launched a petition to end the climate-killing agreement. The crash course will zoom in on the arcane ECT and address questions like:
* what is the ECT and where does it come from?
* how can polluters use it to undermine climate action?
* who benefits?
* how can we get out?

After 30 minutes of introductory videos and presentations, there will be plenty of time for your questions – and for sharing our action plan to bring down the ECT.

The crash course is organised by: ClientEarth, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Corporate Europe Observatory, Friends of the Earth Europe, Generation Climate Europe (tbc), PowerShift, Transnational Institute, Umanotera, and Urgewald.