Schlagwort-Archive: Vorlage



Erfolg für Menschenrecht auf Wasser (#right2water)!

UPDATE 25.06.2015
Vorhin hat der Umweltausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments den #right2water-Entwurf mit 38:22 angenommen. Darüber freuen wir uns sehr und bedanken uns bei allen, die dem Menschenrecht Wasser zum Erfolg verhelfen!
Im September (zwischen 7-10.) findet die endgültige Abstimmung im Europaparlament statt.


Hier das Statement von Right2water:

European Parliament Environment Committee formally supports Human Right to Water
Donnerstag, Juni 25, 2015 – 15:46

(25 June 2015) This morning the Environment and Public Health Committee together with the Development one voted by an absolute majority to send a strong message to the European Commission to act on the Human Right to water.

The Report by the Irish MEP Lynn Boylan (GUE/NGL) was voted and it will be discussed and voted in the Plenary. The report demands the EC to act on the first successful European Citizens Initiative implementing the Human Right to Water in the EU legislation as defined by the United Nations in 2010. It also calls not to push for privatization of water through austerity measures and to promote more actively Public Public Partnerships (PuPs). It also reinforces the exclusion of water and sanitation of the internal market rules (as the Communication of the EC stated) and from any trade agreement.

We want to thank all the MEPs that listen to the voice of over 1.8 million citizens that signed the ECI

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