The global experience with remunicipalisation

Veröffentlichung vom April 2015 durch Transnational Institute (TNI), Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), Multinationals Observatory, Municipal Services Project (MSP) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)
Amsterdam, London, Paris, Cape Town and Brussels
ISBN 978-90-70563-50-9
Introduction: Calling
for progressive water policies
Emanuele Lobina
Global list of
Chapter 1 Water in public hands:
Remunicipalisation in the United
Mary Grant
Chapter 2 An end to the struggle?
Jakarta residents reclaim their
water system
Irfan Zamzami and Nila Ardhianie
Chapter 3 German
municipalities take back control of water
Christa Hecht
Chapter 4 Turning
the page on water privatisation in France
Christophe Lime
Chapter 5 Taking stock of remunicipalisation in Paris.
A conversation with Anne Le Strat
Olivier Petitjean
Chapter 6 Remunicipalisation and workers:
Christine Jakob and Pablo Sanchez
Chapter 7 You are public…now what?
News ways of measuring success
David A. McDonald
Chapter 8 Trade agreements and investor protection:
A global threat to public water
Satoko Kishimoto
Conclusion: Reclaiming
public water through remunicipalisation
Satoko Kishimoto, Olivier Petitjean and Emanuele Lobina